Wood Chips

Wood Chips

Woodchips are small- to medium-sized pieces of wood formed by cutting or chipping larger pieces of wood such as trees, branches, logging residues, stumps, roots, and wood waste. Woodchips may be used as a biomass solid fuel and are raw material for producing wood pulp.

HS Code: 2712.10.00

Packing: In drums 250 kg

CAS Number: 8009-03-8

Quantity: 17 TON without pallet per 20 ft dry container

Chemical & Physical Characteristics

Total Moisture%, ar25ASTM D. 3302-17
Proximate Analysis:
- Moisture in Analysis%, adb7.2SNI 8951-2020
- Ash Content%, adb0.9SNI 8951-2020
- Volatile Matter%, adb76.9SNI 8951-2020
- Fixed Carbon%, adb15.1SNI 8951-2020


Wood chips are the raw materials for producing wood pulp, panel boards, and energy.

Sawdust Briquettes in 40 kg Bags
Wood Chips