Sawdust Briquettes

Sawdust Briquettes

Wood briquettes are a fuel source made out of dried, compacted wood. They are made from wood waste or byproducts and machine-compressed into a log or block shape, generally without added ingredients, though they can have added materials like peat, bracken, or coffee.

HS Code: 44013200

Packing: 40 kg bags

CAS Number: 16291-96-6

Quantity: 20 TON without pallet per 20 ft dry container

Chemical & Physical Characteristics

Total Moisture%, ar6.0ASTM D. 3302-17
Proximate Analysis:
- Moisture in Analysis%, adb5.8ASTM D. 3173-17
- Ash Content%, adb2.6ASTM D. 3174-18
- Volatile Matter%, adb74.2ISO 562-2010
- Fixed Carbon%, adb17.4ASTM D. 3172-13
Total Sulfur%, adb0.05ASTM D. 4239-17
Gross Calorific ValueKcal/kg, adb4530ASTM D. 5865-13
Gross Calorific ValueKcal/kg, ar4520ASTM D. 5865-13


Heating, daily life stoves, gas boilers, industrial boilers, and biomass power plants.

Sawdust Briquettes in 40 kg Bags
Sawdust Briquettes in 40 kg Bags